The purpose of varying the earnings in JSS-Booster is to keep the momentum of JSS-Booster going as long as possible for each launch. This is basically done by reducing the advantage of the earliest buyers and increasing the advantage of later buyers. We've also designed an algorithm to cause the positions of more members to cycle, particularly later during each launch.
Note that if you buy right at the beginning of the launch, the chances are good that you'll quickly double your money. If you then use the proceeds to buy immediately after the 2nd phase starts, the chances are good that you'll triple your money. The JSS-Warp feed improves your chances. With this mechanism, you have the opportunity to sextuple (multiply by 6) your money in one day!
JSS-Booster's Launch #42
The "FILL-NOW" feature has been added to JSS-Booster. If in JSS-Booster you have a matrix with just one or two empty slots, you can buy positions to fill specific slots. This enables you to "force" immediate cycling. This can be particularly useful during the $100 phase.
Launch Starts on Saturday, August 6th at 11 AM CST (Central Standard Time) -- Limits: 20 positions every 5 minutes.
- For positions bought on 8/6/11 between 11 AM CST and 3 PM CST: You earn $40 when they cycle in JSS-Booster. The sooner you buy, the better the chances that your positions will cycle quickly. (JSS-Booster starts with an essentially empty matrix each launch -- just one company starting position.)
- For positions bought between 8/6/11, 3 PM CST and 8/7/11, 11 AM CST: You earn $60 when they cycle in JSS-Booster. About 3:05 PM CST on 8/6/11, the feed of uncycled JSS-Warp positions into JSS-Booster starts. This helps mainly positions bought during this phase to cycle. The feed also helps some positions bought during the "$40 phase" to cycle.
- For positions bought, starting on 8/7/11 at 11 AM CST and continuing to the end of the launch: You earn $100 when they cycle in JSS-Booster plus you receive two free placements per position bought.
- Launch finishes on Monday, 8/8/11 at 11 AM, CST, after which the merge of uncycled positions into JSS is done.
Note that if you buy right at the beginning of the "$100 phase," the chances are good that you'll quickly quintuple your money (turn $20 into $100)!
Important Strategy Considerations
1. If you have a JBP/JSS downline, buy at least one position at the beginning of each of the 3 launch phases. Encourage your downline members to participate in each JSS-Booster launch.
2. Buy extra JSS-Booster positions during Phase 3 of each launch -- if you're "lucky," some of your $20 positions will cycle and pay you $100 each.
3. You receive 2 free placements with each of your Phase 3 positions. If your positions don't cycle in JSS-Booster, they get merged into JSS, accompanied by the placements.
4. Immediately after the merge, upgrade the placements in JSS to "premium" at a cost of $5 each. (This makes your total cost per position $30, so you double your money when a position cycles in JSS and pays you $60.)
5. The chances are good that during the next merge (or soon after that), your premium placements will get filled.
6. If you encourage the owners of the second-level positions in your JSS matrixes to follow the same strategy, you may be able to get many of your JSS positions to cycle in 2-8 weeks.
The above details may be changed.
Members are able to buy placements from the outset of each launch. Placements tend to speed up your cycling. Bought placements reduce the extent to which you multiply your money. The earliest positions bought during any launch are likely to cycle without any placements having been bought. Because the first and every third positions bought by your referrals are placed in your matrixes, this may also speed up your cycling, as well as your earnings, because of referral commissions.
When uncycled positions from JSS-Booster are merged into JSS, when a particular JSS-Booster is shut down, these positions earn the usual $60 when they cycle in JSS. Both bought and free unfilled placements are transferred to JSS during the merge.
The JSS-Warp Cut-Off Point (COP) and Reserve-Queue Point (RQP)
Every week, on Wednesday, 11 AM CST (Noon EST) there is a "Cut-Off Point" (COP). At the time of the COP, all uncycled positions in JSS-Warp are purged -- to be fed into JSS-Booster on the following Saturday, starting about 5 minutes after the "$60 phase" of JSS-Booster begins.
The uncycled JSS-Warp positions are fed into JSS-Booster in REVERSE ORDER -- the last ones bought are fed into JSS-Booster first.
If you buy JSS-Warp positions just after the COP, the chances are good that these positions will cycle quickly in JSS-Warp, paying you $50. This is because it's like buying positions in a new program that has just been launched -- with no backlog of uncycled positions to slow down cycling.
You can Log Into Your JSS-Warp Account and see the Average Cycling Time. You can use this as a guide to decide if you want to buy and how many positions to buy.
JSS-Warp has a "Reserve Queue." After and following the COP, some money is set aside to cycle later positions. This money goes into the Reserve Queue. In your JSS-Warp Account you can see at any time how many positions the Reserve Queue is going to cycle.
Every week, on Tuesday, 11 AM CST (Noon EST) there is a "Reserve-Queue Point" (RQP). At the RQP, the funds in the Reserve-Queue are used to cycle the latest uncycled JSS-Warp positions in REVERSE ORDER. This means that the last uncycled positions are cycled first. So, there's an advantage to buying JSS-Warp positions just before the RQP!
Because uncycled JSS-Warp positions are fed into JSS-Booster in REVERSE ORDER at the time of the following COP, there's also an advantage to buying JSS-Warp positions between the RQP and the next COP, 24 hours later!
If you buy JSS-Warp positions just before the RQP, the chances are good that if these positions don't cycle in JSS-Warp (paying you $50), they'll cycle in JSS-Booster (paying you $60)! (However, you may be better off buying JSS-Booster positions at the beginning of the "$40 phase" or the beginning of the "$60 phase.")
When JSS-Warp positions are fed into JSS-Booster, 2 free placements are added. This makes it more likely that these positions will cycle in JSS-Booster. (If JSS-Warp positions don't cycle in JSS-Booster, their placements are also transferred to JSS during the merge after the end of the JSS-Booster launch.)
JSS-Booster's Algorithm
- As soon as the second phase of a JSS-Booster launch starts, the "High-Return Percentage" (HRP) takes effect. The HRP will typically be set at about 50%. When the HRP is set at 50%, the effect will be that 50% of new positions bought are placed in the unfilled matrixes of positions that will pay the highest return so far activated during the current JSS-Booster launch. (This rule is senior to those that follow. Important implication for sponsors: To maximize the chances that some of the positions bought by your referrals go into your matrixes, you should buy positions during all the phases of each JSS-Booster launch, as soon as each new phase starts.)
- The first and every 3rd positions bought by your referrals go into your earliest unfilled matrix.
- 50% of other positions are used to randomly fill open placement orders (OPOs). (If no OPOs, they are split between #4 and #5 below.)
- Half of the remaining positions are randomly placed in unfilled matrixes (UMs).
- The other half are randomly placed in UMs that are closest to full.
The effect of the algorithm should be that more members have some of their postions cycle, and also that more positions cycle that were bought later during the launch. Members are encouraged to spread out their buying over the course of the launch to take advantage of the higher returns toward the end. You can also compound your money by using earnings to buy additional positions.
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